Friday, June 15, 2012

Mountain Dew Creates Dark Knight Rises Tie-Ins

Mountain Dew promo packaging

I was sent this set of Mountain Dew to show off the new Dark Knight Rises tie-in packaging. I particularly liked the green bubble wrap, which sets off the logo color nicely.

On the left is the 'thermo can', which has the DKR design and changes color when cold. You can see below how it turns green after you chill it. (I didn't take that photo ' it was part of this article with more details on the packaging changes and promotional deals.) The 'thermochromic ink' turns Dew green when cold enough.

Mountain Dew thermo can

The bottle on the right is a new, limited-time flavor, Mtn Dew Dark Berry. It's a hard-to-describe color that looks dark purple in the bottle but comes out bright blue. It tastes like blue raspberry, artificial, as through you're drinking melted freezer pops. (I suspect this is a feature, not a problem, for the audience who values Dew for the way it jolts you.) It'll only be available for two months if you want to sample it yourself.

Beginning Monday, visit for exclusive content related to the movie and video clips. You can also enter product codes for the chance to win prizes. That site launches June 18 in connection with a new Mountain Dew advertising campaign.

The Dark Knight Rises opens July 20. You can find out more about these Mountain Dew promotions at their Facebook page.

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