Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Matthew Dow Smith Says Some Smart Stuff

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Matthew Dow Smith, comic book artist, has begun a series of posts at his blog covering his career in comics so far. He's a good writer, and beyond the fun of hearing how someone's life developed in an industry we both care about, his posts carry key lessons.

First, breaking into comics, teaches us that artists are easier to hire than writers.

Second, technological changes in delivery, the difficulty of coping with change in spite of its inevitability, and the change to digital comics.

Third, Disney and DC, learning that companies rarely want to pay you to be you; they prefer whatever's commercial.

Fourth (and the one I enjoyed most), a brief history of CrossGen, and the conflict between creator-owned and corporate. That's become a hot topic lately, but it was one ten years ago, too, because there still hasn't been a workable compromise between the two in the industry.

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