Thursday, April 26, 2012

Freeloader by Nomi Kane

After seeing Nomi Kane in the Cartoon College documentary, her name rang a bell. Then I realized I had been given a copy of her minicomic Freeloader at last year's SPX, the show where it debuted.


It's a 16-page traditionally quarter-page-sized collection of short strips based on Nomi being unemployed and living back with her parents. While that's a time period I'm sure she doesn't want to dwell on too much, I wished there was a lot more about it, since she only really scratches the surface here, and this comic left me wanting to see more of her work and observations. It's a great idea with a lot of appeal.

Unfortunately, it's been a situation over the past few years many young adults can relate to. Here, Nomi contemplates how to get work, with the standout strip for me being the one where she's turned down for looking too young. Two other strips don't have anything in particular to do with the economic situation, with Nomi feeding a dog and fighting a bee. As with many diary comics, these are moments in time selected for their interest to others, and each succeeds in keeping my attention.

Her work is anchored in many panels by the solid black of her hair. A little more shading/background detail would be a natural direction of growth, as would a bit more attention to flow between panels. Her individual illustrations are well-chosen and executed, but they feel like static moments in time as we move from one to another. For a second opinion, Rob Clough has also reviewed this minicomic.

Nomi Kane has an online store offering this and other of her minicomics ' several of which I'd like to buy and read ' but I couldn't get it to work this morning. I suggest emailing her if you'd like to see Freeloader or her other work.

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